There's a cliche saying that goes, "In your 20's you worry about what people think of you, inn your 40s, you stop caring what people think and in your 60s you realize that no one was ever thinking about you at all.“
The gravity that holds. The truth is that we are lucky if we do even one thing that gets remembered 100 years from now. What a liberating realization.
There is zero reason we should ever be living with the fear of judgment from others. Even if someone were to judge us, that is more a reflection of themselves rather than of us. Anyone who has time to hate on another human lives, a sad, sad life.
If you wanna go see a movie alone, go do it. If you want to work out every single morning, do it. If you want to take an edible and then go for a walk, do it. Oh yeah, by the way, you can have all of these things. So do what you want because life is short. And none of us really know when ours is going to end.