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Why Not?

I tend to get ideas to create something and immediately put them down. I'm not exactly sure why. I think it's because I get scared of what people may think of me. I think I'm afraid of failing. I think I'm afraid I'll quit before I even get the chance to fail. I think it's a combination of all three of these things. I also think this is how a lot of people feel.

This reasoning is pretty much why I'm starting this blog. I just need to do the damn thing. I've got two options: not start this blog and hit publish on this post, or publish this post and figure the rest out as I go. Of the two, the only one that'll change me and help me learn, both about myself and life, is the latter. Oh yeah--it'll be a hell of a lot more fun, too.

Maybe I'll quit after two posts. Maybe I won't. Who knows, but I can't let that fear prevent me from even starting. The thing is, even if I do quit, at least I gave it a shot; I'll know a little bit more than I would've if I never even started this thing. I think of Theodore Roosevelt's speech about "The Man in The Arena" when it comes to things like this, starting something. Anyone who judges or mocks is always someone who isn't doing the thing. Every person who has given me genuine positivity and support for my podcast has either had a podcast themself or knows what it truly feels like to put themself out there. The ones that judge or mock have never been in the arena, whether that be out of insecurity or fear. Same thing goes for people that take the jump of trying to make music, start a business, create content, or do anything that is outside of the social norm.

Lastly, I'm doing this blog as a way to journal. I want this blog to be raw thoughts I have and a great way for me to self-reflect. With social media nowadays, it's impossible to know how people actually feel; all we ever see is masks of other people and it makes us feel shitty. And to be honest, I do it too. Everything I've posted on social media, for the most part, has been pictures of some of my happiest moments. That's what you call a filter. Filters are fake; unfiltered expression is real, it's raw, it's humane. It's exactly what I want out of this blog. Welcome to UnPhiltered:)



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